Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Life: Day Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen.

Day Nine - Something that makes you sad when you think about it:

Living and breathing.

Day Ten - One thing you’ve lied about:

My entire life is a lie.

Day Eleven - Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with someone you love for 10 years or someone you hate for a month? Keep in mind you have to survive:

I'd rather be with someone I love.
Who says you HAVE to survive.

Day Twelve - Something you’re currently worrying about:

How much longer I'm going to be able to handle this.

Day Thirteen - Name one person off Tumblr you’d throw off a cliff, one you’d marry and one you’d shag:

I don't know anyone from Tumblr.
I just know their blogs.

Day Fourteen - Something disgusting you do.

Everything about me is disgusting.


  1. Hey. I just started reading your blog, and I must say that I like it because I relate to a lot of things you write here.
    I may not know you, but I'm here to help in any way I can. The fact that your'e still here shows that you're strong enough to keep fighting. Xx
